Colorado Scouting Services has started as a small family run service. The Hope is to help folks with a Colorado tag get done the pre-season scouting that we know can be so hard with work, family, and life in general.

Eli is currently a full time firefighter allowing many days in the woods to pursue his passions. Rachel works from home and is often able to join Eli along and has a much steadier trigger finger. (Considering she fills the freezer more!)


A team of outdoorsman, dedicated to helping your pre-season success

Our strength lies in our dedication to formulating the best game plan possible. Set up primarily by Eli, with the ability to put in over 100+ pre-season days in game rich environments.

Eli Neshiem

Owner - Lead Scout

Rachel Neshiem

Co-Owner - (The Real Lead Scout)


If you're interested in hearing more about how our services work and what is included please send us a message here.